Dadasaheb Tirodkar Educational Academy's
Padmashri Babasaheb Vengurlekar Mahavidyalaya,Pandurtitha
पद्मश्री बाबासाहेब वेंगुर्लेकर महाविद्यालय,पणदूरतिठा
Affiliated To University Of Mumbai
ESTB. 4th August 2011
NAAC 'C' Grade CGPA 1.83 in First Cycle
The college conducts all F.Y. & S.Y. examinations on behalf of the university of Mumbai, while all the T.Y. examinations are conducted by the University.
For FY/SY/T.Y. /B.Com, B & I, I.T. /C.S.(Semester System):-
As per the Credit Based Grading System the evaluation of a student in each course (i.e 'paper' as we used to say) will be according to the following scheme:
Internal Assessment 25% 25 Marks
One periodic Class Test/Case Studies 20 Marks
Semester End Assessment 75% (examinations of 2 hour duration.) 75 Marks
For courses (ie. 'papers') with practicals, practical examinations will be out of 50 marks for each course separately.
Additional Examination:- A supplementary examination will be conducted for all students who fail in the semester/internal examination.
Grading :- The overall marks secured by a student in each course as well as the aggregation of marks of the semester will be represented as grades rather than marks for the respective semester as indicated below: